Tuesday, December 5, 2017

2018 a vision

Hello friends,
Last week I was encouraged by my coach to share my 2018 vision with the universe. I chose to do a FB live on my personal page last week. I was so nervous that I forgot to share much of what I wanted to share. So I decided, I'd also share my vision here on my blog.
A great way to declare a vision is to speak as if you have already achieved the vision you are declaring. So, if you ask me at the end of 2018 how my new business venture went, this is what I'll say.

2018 was amazing!! I've created and grown Wildflower Souls into a safe space for women to reconnect with their one true soul. My sister Patti, created an amazing logo for me. It completely embodies everything Wildflower Souls is. She, along with my bestfriend and IT guy, Andre have created a beautiful website for me. I've learned how to use MailChimp to send beautiful and joyful newsletters to my growing email list.
I've held 6 free SoulBook gatherings in my home this year. Sarah, from Her Wellness downtown has also provided rental space for me and I have held 4 other Brave Girl workshops there. Even women I have never met have joined me. Every women who joined me in these gatherings and workshops have left with a renewed self love and a taste of what Soul Restoration is. Many are telling me that they now feel as if they have enough love to also give to our community.
My May retreat, held at Summer Park House on Miller Lake, sold out. In fact, there was more interest than I had expected. It was exactly what I hoped for. Darci and her amazing staff helped me and my helpers create an AMAZING retreat space. The peace and calm of the lake feeling our souls. My 10 guests walked away with renewed love for themselves and others. We celebrated our sameness. We created pretty personal art. The women learned that their story matters. The women realized that they are beautiful souls that are still learning, they realized that the women next to them are beautiful souls who are still learning. They gave each other an abundance of grace cards. My women discovered that no matter what age they are, they are still becoming. They still have dreams and hopes and those dreams and hopes matter. I witnessed miracles. Darci and I are already planning for 2019. 
I learned a lot about being a leader. I learned to plan big and small events. I learned how to make a budget for those events, which lead me to making a budget for myself. WHAT!? I had a lot of help this year. The more I showed up for this big dream, the more the people I loved showed up to help me. I created connection this year. And I can't wait to see what I create in 2019!!

So there you have it folks, this is what my 2018 will look like.  

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Glue is good for the soul.

Hi Friends!

I'm so happy to tell you that my very first workshop Soul Book went really well. We were a small group, though I believe the women that were meant to be there, were there. I know many of you expressed interest in join us but were in available this time around, don't worry I will be doing this again. More on that at the end of the post.

The weather outside was not awesome but inside was nice and warm and cheery. We had two crock pots filled with warm winter food and cheese filled turkey wraps (I've been enjoying those left overs), a perfect combination of comfort foods. I had opted for a pot luck lunch and I will totally do that again. As women, even when we are meant to be guests, we want to help the hostess and having a potluck was the perfect way to make this happen. And I was able to be completely present because I didn't have to be away from them, preparing our lunch.

Each women came with their own crafty skills, we had a sewer and a painter, and they used those skills in their books. Two completely different beautiful books were created. Because we were a small group, I worked on my sample book, using mostly only a glue stick  and paper. My objective here is to show a very simple example, proving that ANYONE can complete this project.

There was complete silence while we cut out our statements. But, it wasn't until we got to the end of the day and the women shared some of the pages they made, that I knew that is project is life changing. I could see that it was doing for them, what it had done for me. It was pretty cool to watch that.

Soul Book is a beautiful gentle reminder of who you really are. A reminder that your life makes a difference. It's even more special because you make it yourself. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity take this course, so I've decided that as long as I am meant to teach, Soul Book will always be offered for FREE. Check out my workshops link on the side panel and you will see my next Soul Book offering there.

I hope this find you well. Love you!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I've got a new name and a new look.

Hi Friends,

A quick post to share my new name Wildflower Souls (there will be a website to follow soon) and my new look.
I'm excited to be able to use this platform to share all the beautiful offerings I'll have in the new year. Stay tuned!!
Love you all!!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

SoulBook Gathering

It seems to me that the world is in turmoil. The hate sounds very loud right now doesn't it?  It does not have to be that way. We can all choose love and kindness. Some times it can seem overwhelming to choose kindness and love.  Hard to know where to start. The answer is very simple, you start with yourself and continue one person at a time.

BraveGirls/BraveLiving have come up with a wonderful soul filled event to get us started on loving ourselves first.

Please join me in my home for this FREE SoulBook Gathering. We will create an adorable chunky book which will remind us of what is important. Take some time before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season for some self-care. Bring a friend or come yourself.

Space is limited and some instructions and a supply list will need to be sent to participants prior to the gathering, so please be sure to RSVP by sending an email to cadair@bmts.com

There are two event options to choose from:
Wednesday November 15, 7-9 for three weeks
Saturday November 18, 10- 4 potluck.

I would love for you to join me. Please email me at cadair@bmts.com if you have any questions.

Monday, September 25, 2017

A new adventure

Hello Friends!

I know it has been a long time and I hope to do better at that in the near future. I want to give you an update with a new exciting adventure I'm embarking on. I'm starting my own business and it will be centred around a life changing course from Brave Girls Club (soon to be Brave Living) called Soul Restoration.

I've completed this curriculum twice at camp and twice online and spent the last week training on the content. I believe in this course. It has given me tools to live a brave life, an every day life. Everyone has wounds, everyone has lies they have believed for a long time, no one gets out of this world with out them. And no one has to let those things define you. You are not your wounds, you are not your lies. You have more control over your life than you think you do. That is what Soul Restoration has taught me. It has truly changed my life and it changes my life every time I do it. Even in training last week, I cleaned out more stuff.  Think of every lie you have believed about yourself. Soul Restoration can help you tell the truth about those things.

I 100% believe in this curriculum and believe every human soul can benefit from it, as long as you are willing to do the work, cause some of it will be really hard. And you wont be alone, your restoration will be with you and I'll be your guide through the course.

So here's the deal, I'll be bringing Soul Restoration to my circle. I'm not 100% sure what that will look like yet. There will be some workshops I'll be offering as a taster and to start I'll probably be offering Soul Restoration in my home done over a number of weeks. I'm also willing to do Soul Restoration one on one if someone wishes (it's usually done in a group setting).

Please stay tuned, I'll be updating you more soon.