Sunday, November 28, 2010

Creative Scrappers 130, Pencil Lines 214 and Let's Capture these sketches 63.

This week I worked on the following sketches, all LO's are of my garden. First the 214th sketch from Pencil Lines.


Next the 132th sketch from Creative Scrappers.
And last the 63rd sketch from Let's Captures These Sketches. The challange was to only use patterned paper.

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sketchy Thursday - Bright & Beautiful

This LO is based on this sketch from Sketchy Thursdays,
11.18 sketch challenge

Last fall I bought my first house and I missed the prettiness that is spring and summer. This summer I amazed by all the colour and beauty that was in my rather large back yard. Every day brought a new discovery. The next blog posts will likely show case my garden, as I finish up my garden scrapbook.

I'm not much of a gardener, and this summer was really too hot for me to get into it really but it's amazing what nature will do on its own. GOD truly is an artist.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pencil Lines 213, Creative Scrappers 130, Inspired Blueprints 60 - Kathy- Jo's 30th

Today was a very productive scrapping day, inspiration just flowed with the help of these sketches of course. It was nice to know that creativity can still flow even after working a night shift. The following LO are of my friend KaJos 30th B-day.
This LO was based on the Pencil Lines sketch above.
The next LO is based on this Inspired Blueprints sketch

And finally the last LO is based on sketch below from Creative Scrappers.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Let's Capture these Sketches 60 - How Skylar see it.

This LO is based on this sketch from Let's Capture these Sketches. It was a nice and quick LO to complete.

Part of the challenge was to use @ least three items on the LO that began with the letter B. I used blue cardstock, black ink, blue ribbon, blue puffy paint, blue patterned paper and brands.
My friend Brandy's little guy Skylar shot these pictures, he's five.

Inspired Blue Prints 59 - Hunter Hooligans

This LO was bases on this sketch from Inspired Blue Prints.

July 3rd 2010 - The Hunter Kids @ their mom's KaJo's 30th Birthday.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Creative Scrappers 129 - Lake Huron Sunset

This LO is based on another Creative Scrappers sketch, number 129.
These pictures were taken on a family vacation, only about an hour away from home.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Creative Scrappers 128 - Live it Up

This LO is based on the 128th skecth from Creative Scrappers. These pictures were taken on a family camping trip this July.